One of the questions I get asked frequently is how I became a a professional Animal Communicator, Horse Whisperer and Dr. Sulittle. So today, the horses would like me to share my story with you.
I’ve been psychic and able to use telepathy as long as I can remember. I’ve been a professional Psychic since 1998. I became aware of the amazing benefits of using telepathy with animals in 2000. Up until then I had been developing, practicing and honing my skills to assist humans. And then, I babysat our lovely dog Holly, while my parents were in Europe for two weeks. So here is the story…
Summer 2000
Holly Boo, a poodle of divine cuteness, gentleness and sweetness. She greets everyone she meets as a possible friend and is wise, wise, wise. She is a Buddha of a dog.
She’s enjoying relaxing in the peace and solitude of a house with humans away. She’s on holiday, sleeping and stretching for hours on end in the sun, in her warm cozy spot.
As everyone is away in Europe on holiday, I am in charge of her well being. I’m also enjoying the freedom of solitude, creating in my Studio. It’s a bit of a jaunt to the house where Holly is resting. Unfamiliar with her routine, I keep getting distracted in my drawing by the thought of checking on her. The thoughts are so persistent, I cease my activities and scoot down to the house…Arriving in a distracted, out of breath, anxious manner…I find Holly…in a trance…relaxing, dozing, snoring. At ease. Peaceful.
So I return to the studio…immerse myself in creating….After hours of deep musing I surface and Holly pops into my mind…I am enjoying myself immensely…I really wish to continue drawing… ‘After all’ I say to myself, ‘the last time I rushed to the house, she was asleep…’ I begin to distrust my senses and continue to draw.
I’m thirsty and have to use the bathroom, so I return to the house. Holly is frantic…Eyes wild, shaking and barking at her own reflection in the window and the echo of her own bark. I pick her up, soothe her through touch and sound. As her distress eases, I wonder what to do….
An interesting idea occurs…It’s worth a try…Telepathy, receiving and sending messages over distance…I use it all the time with people…I seem to remember using it with animals as a child…I’ve also seen a woman on TV, who talks to animals, so it is possible, maybe she uses telepathy to communicate with them. I’m sure I can do it. It would certainly save me energy and it would be more enjoyable for us both, if I was more in tune with Holly’s needs.
“Send me a message, when you feel like a visit” I say to Holly. “Some kind of a message…”
After a bit of fine turning and practicing, in our sending and receiving skills, Holly and I had a wonderful holiday together. We both relaxed and enjoyed our solitude, as well as really, really enjoying each others company when we were together. Since then we have continued to communicate together telepathically, she has a lovely sense of humour and is such a joy to spend time with.
It was also very cool to know that it was possible to use telepathy so easily with dogs. After this experience I became much more curious about it and would practice with dogs that I met at parties and when I was out and abound. Often they were far more interesting than the people in attendance!
How I Became a Professional Animal Communicator-Part 2-Patches and Sam…coming in the next blog…stay tuned!
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