Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed in Asia over 3,000 years ago, using the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension, and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force energy (Qi or chi) to promote health and healing. Using the same points as Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure applies a comfortable range of pressure from gentle to firm. Acupressure is safe, non-toxic and definitely habit forming… And dogs absolutely love it!
Be aware that there is no “right” location in acupressure. The exact location of equine, canine, feline and human acupressure points depend on the source. Acupressure drawings offer you a guide, not an exact map. Do your best and trust your intuition. To perform acupressure, place the ball of your thumb or middle finger on the acupressure point. Gently apply direct pressure to the point while exhaling. Use prolonged pressure directly on the point; gradual, steady, penetrating pressure for approximately three minutes is ideal. Slowly release the point while inhaling.
GV 14- Big Vertebra Location: On the midline of the back, where the neck vertebra meets the vertebra of the back. Lifting the head up and down, find the hinged place just in front of the “big” vertebra. Place your finger into the big hole there. Benefits: Supports immune system.
B 23- Sea of Vitality Location: On the middle of your dog’s side, locate the last rib, then go straight up to the spine. find the point in the indentation beside 2nd lumbar vertebra. Benefits: Fortifies the immune system as well as relieves lower back ache and fatigue.
LI 4- Joining the Valley Location: Inside the first toe, in the web between the dewclaw or where the dewclaw would be. Benefits: Improves immune system, relieves pain in face, foreleg and toothaches.
P6-Inner Gate Location: Find the sole pad behind the wrist on the front leg. Move up the leg to the depression between two tendons that run up the back of the leg. Benefits: Boosts immune system, relieves nausea, vomiting, balances internal organs and calms the spirit.
TW 5- Outer Gate Location: Run your hand down the outside of a front leg. The point is in the indention between the bones, about a sixth of the distance between the wrist and elbow. Benefits: Improves immune system, ear problems, nausea, vomiting, stiffness in head, shoulders and neck, regulates and relaxes entire body.
LI 11- Crooked Pond Location: Lift the foot, flex the elbow, and you’ll find a crease forms on the outside of the elbow. Feel for the depression at the end of the crease, just in front of the bony prominence. Benefits: Relieves immune system weaknesses, allergies, infections, constipation and fever.
CV 6- Sea of Energy Location: On the midline of the belly. Benefits: Boosts immune system, relieves lower back ache, fatigue, constipation, replenishes energy reservoirs.
Liv 3- Bigger Rushing Location: On the inside hind paw, above the innermost toe. Find a slight depression about a third of the way between the top inside toe and the bottom of the ankle joint. Use broad strokes on the side and front paw area. Benefits: Improves immune system, relieves headaches, eye and reproductive disorders, irritability and arthritis.
K 3- Bigger Stream Location: On the inside of the hind leg, just above the ankle in a large pocket. Benefits: Boosts immune system, relieves ear problems.
St 36- Three Mile Point Location: On the outside hind leg, just below the knee, in a clear depression in the middle of the muscle toward the front of the leg. Benefits: Boosts energy, strengthens the whole body, especially immune system, aids digestion and relieves fatigue.
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