One of the benefits of my job is experiencing a horse’s sense of humour. Today, this youtube video is their request. It was send to me on my birthday from my cousin Paul, it made me laugh out loud all day! So go ahead Laugh Out Loud for no reason whatsoever today, especially if you have the good fortune to be standing beside a horse!
Allergy Acupressure Points for Us Humans
First off, a very BIG THANK YOU from the horses in Alberta. They wish to thank their human friends who did some acupressure on them after reading the blog yesterday. The CFR is back in sight! These very same horses would like to remind their humans that the damp conditions may be effecting them too. The effects they recognize in us are fatigue, moodiness, cluelessness, befuddlement, moving like we are wading through water, depression, sighing, irritable, frustration, outlook of everything just keeps going wrong and a why bother attitude. These are all symptoms of exposure to mildew or mold. So at their request I am putting up the acupressure points to clear allergies and exposure to mold or mildew for humans.
Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed in Asia over 3,000 years ago, using the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension, and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force energy (Qi or chi) to promote health and healing. Using the same points as Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure applies a comfortable range of pressure from gentle to firm. Acupressure is safe, non-toxic and definitely habit forming… And the horses absolutely love it!
To perform acupressure, place the ball of your thumb or middle finger on the acupressure point. Gently apply direct pressure to the point while exhaling. Use prolonged pressure directly on the point; gradual, steady, penetrating pressure for approximately three minutes is ideal. Slowly release the point while inhaling and move on to the next point.
Here are the acupressure points, their traditional names, location and benefits, which came from my super helpful book, Acupressure’s Potent Points, by Michael Reed Gach.Trust yourself, relax, breath deeply, go with the flow of energy and enjoy!.
B 10 Heavenly Pillar Location: One-half inch below the base of the skull, on the ropy muscles one-half inch outward from either side of the spine. Benefits:Relieves allergic reactions such as exhaustion, headache and itchy eyes.
K 27 Elegant Mansion Location: In the hollow below the collarbone next to the breastbone. Benefits: Relieves allergies associated with chest congestion, breathing difficulties, asthma, coughing and sore throats.
CV 6 Sea of Energy Location: Two finger widths directly below belly button. Benefits: Relieves allergies that accompany constipation, gas, fatigue, general weakness, tiredness, lethargy and insomnia.
LI 11 Crooked Pond Location: On the top, outer end of the elbow crease. Benefits: Relieves allergies, particularly inflamed skin disorders (such as hives and rashes), itching and fevers.
TW 5 Outer Gate Location: On the top of the forearm between the two armbones, two and one-half finger widths above wrist crease. Benefits: Relieves allergic reactions by strengthening the immune system.
LI 4 Joining Valley ( Caution avoid this point if you are pregnant as it could cause premature contractions in the uterus. ) Location: In the webbing between your thumb and index finger. On the outside of the hand, find the highest spot of the muscle when the thumb and index fingers are brought close together. Benefits: Relieves all kinds of allergies, such as headaches, hay fever, sneezing, and itching.
St 36 Three Mile Point Location: Four finger widths below the kneecap on the outside of the leg. Benefits: Strengthens the whole body to prevent as well as relieve allergies. Use to relieve fatigue. Stimulation of this point benefits digestion and helps restore the immune system.
LV 3 Bigger Rushing Location: On the top of the foot in the valley between the big toe and the second toe. Benefits: Relieves all kinds of reactions, especially bloodshot eyes and neuromuscular disorders. Invigorates and clears energy systems. Calming point.
Acupressure for Allergies and Mold
Many of my horse friends in North America are having reactions to the ongoing damp conditions that are creating mold in their environments. They have requested that I put some acupressure points up, so that their humans can do some on them to release the effects, harmonize their systems and get them back into speed mode.
Acupressure is an ancient healing art developed in Asia over 3,000 years ago, using the fingers to press key points on the surface of the skin to stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities. When these points are pressed, they release muscular tension, and promote the circulation of blood and the body’s life force energy (Qi or chi) to promote health and healing. Using the same points as Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure applies a comfortable range of pressure from gentle to firm. Acupressure is safe, non-toxic and definitely habit forming… And the horses absolutely love it!
To perform acupressure, place the ball of your thumb or middle finger on the acupressure point. Gently apply direct pressure (approximately 2-4 pounds of pressure) to the point while exhaling. Use prolonged pressure directly on the point; gradual, steady, penetrating pressure for approximately three minutes is ideal. Slowly release the point while inhaling and move on to the next point. Use and trust your intuition as the horse will often guide you and direct you on the length of time and amount of pressure they desire.
Here are the acupressure points, their traditional names and benefits. You choose the order in which you would like to do them…trust yourself, relax, breath deeply and go with the flow of energy.
B 10 Heavenly Pillar: Relieves allergic reactions such as exhaustion, headache and itchy eyes. Also beneficial for cervical, shoulder or back pain, can benefit wobblers.
K 27 Elegant Mansion: Relieves allergies associated with chest congestion, breathing difficulties, coughing and chest pain.
LU 1 Letting Go: Relieves depression, grief, moodiness, shallow breathing, chest tension or congestion, coughing, asthma and skin disorders. Relieves fatigue and strengthens lungs.
LI 11 Crooked Pond: Relieves allergies, particularly inflamed skin disorders (such as hives and rashes), itching and fevers. Benefits the immune system and relieves diarrhea.
TW 5 Outer Gate: Relieves allergic reactions by strengthening the immune system. Also use for rheumatic conditions. Helps ease tendinitis. Use for navicular pain.
LI 4 Joining Valley:( Caution avoid this point on pregnant mares as it could cause premature contractions in the uterus. ) Relieves all kinds of allergies, releases head, neck, foreleg and shoulder pain. Important pain-reducing point, beneficial for pain in any part of the body. Balances the gastrointestinal system.
CV 6 Sea of Energy: Relieves allergies that accompany constipation, gas, fatigue, general weakness, tiredness and lethargy. Benefits Chi or energy as a general tonifiying effect.
LV 3 Bigger Rushing: Relieves all kinds of reactions, especially bloodshot eyes and neuromuscular disorders. Invigorates and clears energy systems. Calming point.
St 36 Three Mile Point: Strengthens the whole body to prevent as well as relieve allergies. Use to relieve fatigue. Stimulation of this point benefits digestion and helps restore the immune system.
You might also find this post interesting: Acupressure points for Allergies for Humans
Yesterday, I was speaking with my inspiringly creative friend about relaxing and letting go of that critical voice that as artist’s we were trained to listen too. She too went to the Nova Scotia of Art & Design. We had a group critique each week. As a group we were expected to look at a piece and find what was out of balance, not in harmony and what we could fix in our own work and others. This was supposed to help us create works of art. For me, this training developed a way of looking at everything, myself, my life and became especially exasperating when I was practicing art. Instead of experiencing the fun, freedom and adventure that drawing provides me, an inner, not so friendly, never pleased, inflexible voice, would question each action, drawing or mark, chastising me into constantly focusing on what I had to fix, change or improve. For some periods of time, I would get so upset, disheartened and depressed by this way of perceiving doing my favourite thing of all time, I would just stop. Sometimes for monthes and monthes.
It has taken me years to be mindful and aware of this perception. That to change a habit like this, that I have to practice a new habit, Praise. That there is nothing to fix. That it’s the experience of drawing that is important, not what I will do with it when I’m finished or if it looks exactly like the thing I am drawing. The horses continuously remind me that after each and every task, to immediately find the five things I did to the best of my ability. Once, after my very first riding lesson, when I was finding fault with my inexperience, they laughingly reminded me that I was still breathing and had at least stayed on! They point out that praising ourselves at every opportunity while we are doing the task is equally important. To ingrain the new habit by repeating to ourselves very good, very good, yeah… throughout the day. Horses pretty much consider most of us humans perfect as we are. They’d like us to realize this too! They say that focusing on what we do well, accepting ourselves as who we are in the moment and throwing that critical strict faultfinding voice out for good, helps us to relax into our natural balance, natural talents and abilities. And most of all they are saying, it relaxes us so that we just naturally are doing our best and can ENJOY it!
Reiki Recharge
I am in New Brunswick this morning. My view is spacious, with a river, vast amounts of green and clear, clear skies. The peace and absolute quiet of this place is a gift, a luxury, which I am appreciating immensely. It is giving me the opportunity to relax and recharge after a particularly chaotic few monthes. The constant chatter in my head has ceased and deep breathing, stretching, swimming, some delicious food and lots of laughing with amusing friends has eased the tension in my body. My companion for the day is gorgeous Oakey, an adventurous dog, she has crushed two bones in her leg and right now, by my feet is convalescing from this injury.
Oakey, called me last Friday, she said that I would benefit from a change in scenery and to come for a visit. When, I arrived on Monday, she was castless, having cleverly soaked the cast in the river and eased it off with the assistance of a trampoline leg. She has gone through three casts, in two weeks, one was pink, one was purple, the one you see above in the picture is her present one. Oakey absolutely loves and delights in running really fast, playing outside with her friend Pixie, chasing balls and leaping and catching sticks in midair. Sometimes, she’s just a blur of movement. She had many questions about the cast, her leg and what it all meant. What WAS this tight stick thing around her leg for? Why was it there and what did it do, besides itch. click when she walked and prevent her from moving in a speedy fashion, it was driving her crazy.
I explained the benefits of the cast, that’s it’s purpose was to keep her leg straight and that remaining still, moving slowly, resting and recovering for 21 more sleeps, would heal the leg, providing a future of enjoyable movement on a strong leg. That keeping the cast on for this period was necessary for this to occur and that she must co-operate, relax and let the new cast be. With understanding and consideration of the worhwile benefits, Oakey agreed to do her best to keep it dry and keep the cast on for that length of time. She has been doing really well.
Oakey, has also requested a Reiki session, a few times every day, to speedup the healing process. Reiki is a Japanese word that means Universal energy or chi. Everyone has natural healing abilities, Reiki is a training that teaches us how to skillfully direct this energy with intention. I have been a practising Reiki Master since 1997. I love giving Reiki to animals, as they are espescially receptive to Reiki, they are aware of it’s amazing curative properties and have an innate desire to heal quickly and easily. They absolutely soak it up. It’s a very enjoyable experience. In fact, experiencing the Reiki, as I give it to Oakey, is energizing and recharging me as well.
In our session this morning, Oakey suggested that I make the experience available to more pets, horses and humans and that it was time to organize a workshop again. So, in gratitude to lovely Oaks, her inspiration, her sense of humour and her delightful presence on walks, I am now organizing a Reiki One Training for Animals!
I will post this now, as I finalize the details and create a Reiki page on this website. Yeah, something wonderful, energizing and amazing to look forward too! So, check out our new page when it goes up, if you are interested in finding out more! It will be fun. Have a peaceful day and thanks for reading this!
How I became Professional Horse Whisperer- Part 4
One of the questions I get asked frequently is how I became a a professional Animal Communicator, Horse Whisperer and Dr. Sulittle. So today, the horses would like me to share Part 4 of my story with you.
This story is really about how I started talking to horses. Before this experience, I had ridden a horse three times and been to the races once, I was unfamiliar with them and didn’t even know that I was fluent in Horse. There’s a certain synchronicity with horses and I’m still amazed how they seem to be able to make things happen. Often when I am low on funds, I’ve sent the message out to the horses that I need a reading or to do a clinic and voila, someone calls or books a clinic! I am sure that Double Expresso, the horse in this story, was somehow arranging things in the background, to get me acquainted with him, his racehorse friends and the horse world in general. It is due to him that I am a professional Horse Whisperer today! Anyways, here’s the story…..
Hong Kong, 2002
I’m standing on the roof of an apartment building, overlooking the Happy Valley Racetrack in Hong Kong. Listening to a lovely, soft spoken confident Chinese Television celebrity named Wendy. Her favourite bird, has escaped from the immense cage beside us and she’s anxious to see if I can track him. Not being fluent in bird, it’s doable, but like a crossword puzzle with very vague clues in a different language. He reports that he feels safe, is being fed and cared for and is alive, but is disorientated. I am unable to receive clear directions to his location.
Wendy is assuring me that she feels relief and peace knowing that her bird friend is okay and is inviting me into her apartment for some tea. It is a menagerie. There are 3 dogs, quite a few cats, several more birds and many fish tanks with fish and turtles in them. Large photographs and paintings grace the walls, displaying more dogs and horses. Wendy tells me of her dedication and passion for rescuing unwanted and abandoned animals in the Happy Valley area.
She mentions a horse that she leases. It’s a retired racehorse. We must go visit it and find out what he has to say. She’s handing me a picture, I’m already receiving information which I translate to Wendy…There is something SO familiar about this hour…like we have met or something…yet, I have only been to the races once and know absolutely nothing about horses…then she mentions his name…Double Expresso. And then I remember! Of course I know Double Expresso, it’s probably the only horse name I even know!
A few years earlier….
I’ve been meditating and studying healing in Thailand and am back in Hong Kong to earn some funds for a trip to Canada. My very dear, generous, funny friend Thomas is in town from Vietnam. He’s been hanging out at a bar, where everyone avidly follows horse racing, which is a absolutely HUGE in Hong Kong. The Hong Kong Jockey Club conducts nearly 700 horse races per year at their two race tracks where an average crowd attendance is approximately 46,000 per race card. Thomas has had a brilliant, amusing idea on how we can all benefit and make some money at the races. He has formed the PSS, the Psychic Su Syndicate. We use my Psychic abilities to pick the winning horses. Brian, a genius at betting, fills in the forms to garner the best returns and Thomas, flush from his teaching gig in Vietnam provides the wagering funds. The winnings will be equally split three ways between us, after Thomas is repaid the initial wager.
So, after a few meetings of the PSS, we’re off to the races. I’m now standing at the viewing grounds at the races, which I would see from Wendy’s roof. The races at Happy Valley are a buzz. We’re surrounded by sound, motion, excitement, passion and the vivid, bright, delightful colours of racing. I LOVE it! Everything is interesting, energizing and fun. A huge party celebrating risk, daring, speed, beauty and danger. Our picks have placed or won in the last six or so races. We’ve won heaps and I feel it’s time to stop working, relax, enjoy the atmosphere and have some fun. Thomas, still in a wagering mood, asks us for the winner of the next race. I suggest that he go to the paddock area and tap into his intuition and trust what he gets…Thomas returns, brimming over with excitement… ” I KNOW who is going to win! I just know it…and get this! His name….his name is Double Expresso! He’s our winner! He’s it!” enthuses our passionate coffee lover of a friend. So Double Expresso won, and we won ourselves enormous amounts of funding to relax into!
And now, several years later, there I was holding his picture….
So, I accepted Wendy’s invitation and went to meet Double Expresso. What I remember now is how I thought I was going to a small stable in the middle of nowhere in the New Territories, near the border with China. I had packed a lunch, had snacks, borrowed a thermos and had worn old clothes. I arrived at Bea’s River and it was a swish country club setting with miles of stables. I vividly remember entering the stables and being met by the divine smell of the horses. How everything slowed down and seemed to go in slow motion as hundreds of horses slowly turned their heads as I came in and curiously watched me walk by. How everything sped up as they greeted me and all started talking at once. Hundreds of horses with something to say. I can still feel my elation, joy, delight and bewilderment. The experience was wonderful and overwhelming all at the same time. Like diving into deep water and having to breath when surfacing, remaining calm, knowing you’re out of your depth and you can no longer touch the bottom with your toes.
Then, I met Double Expresso and him saying…”What took you so long to get here? We’ve all been waiting quite a while for you to show up…you speak horse!”
And so, my introduction to racehorses and thoroughbreds was made. It was just the beginning of many hundreds to come. Soon they, their owners and trainers would be my main clients. Now that’s a story for another blog. So tune in for How I became a Professional Horse Whisperer- Part 5, coming to a computer screen near you soon!
How I Became a Professional Animal Communicator -Part 1

One of the questions I get asked frequently is how I became a a professional Animal Communicator, Horse Whisperer and Dr. Sulittle. So today, the horses would like me to share my story with you.
I’ve been psychic and able to use telepathy as long as I can remember. I’ve been a professional Psychic since 1998. I became aware of the amazing benefits of using telepathy with animals in 2000. Up until then I had been developing, practicing and honing my skills to assist humans. And then, I babysat our lovely dog Holly, while my parents were in Europe for two weeks. So here is the story…
Summer 2000
Holly Boo, a poodle of divine cuteness, gentleness and sweetness. She greets everyone she meets as a possible friend and is wise, wise, wise. She is a Buddha of a dog.
She’s enjoying relaxing in the peace and solitude of a house with humans away. She’s on holiday, sleeping and stretching for hours on end in the sun, in her warm cozy spot.
As everyone is away in Europe on holiday, I am in charge of her well being. I’m also enjoying the freedom of solitude, creating in my Studio. It’s a bit of a jaunt to the house where Holly is resting. Unfamiliar with her routine, I keep getting distracted in my drawing by the thought of checking on her. The thoughts are so persistent, I cease my activities and scoot down to the house…Arriving in a distracted, out of breath, anxious manner…I find Holly…in a trance…relaxing, dozing, snoring. At ease. Peaceful.
So I return to the studio…immerse myself in creating….After hours of deep musing I surface and Holly pops into my mind…I am enjoying myself immensely…I really wish to continue drawing… ‘After all’ I say to myself, ‘the last time I rushed to the house, she was asleep…’ I begin to distrust my senses and continue to draw.
I’m thirsty and have to use the bathroom, so I return to the house. Holly is frantic…Eyes wild, shaking and barking at her own reflection in the window and the echo of her own bark. I pick her up, soothe her through touch and sound. As her distress eases, I wonder what to do….
An interesting idea occurs…It’s worth a try…Telepathy, receiving and sending messages over distance…I use it all the time with people…I seem to remember using it with animals as a child…I’ve also seen a woman on TV, who talks to animals, so it is possible, maybe she uses telepathy to communicate with them. I’m sure I can do it. It would certainly save me energy and it would be more enjoyable for us both, if I was more in tune with Holly’s needs.
“Send me a message, when you feel like a visit” I say to Holly. “Some kind of a message…”
After a bit of fine turning and practicing, in our sending and receiving skills, Holly and I had a wonderful holiday together. We both relaxed and enjoyed our solitude, as well as really, really enjoying each others company when we were together. Since then we have continued to communicate together telepathically, she has a lovely sense of humour and is such a joy to spend time with.
It was also very cool to know that it was possible to use telepathy so easily with dogs. After this experience I became much more curious about it and would practice with dogs that I met at parties and when I was out and abound. Often they were far more interesting than the people in attendance!
How I Became a Professional Animal Communicator-Part 2-Patches and Sam…coming in the next blog…stay tuned!
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