Tail Pulls
As I was preparing to do this blog , I asked my friends the horses, what would be the most beneficial subject for them today, their unanimous reply was TAIL PULLS, TAIL PULLS, TAIL PULLS!
This makes me laugh, if the horses could convey one thing to all humans, besides the fact that they enjoy sharing our company immensely, is that they need their tails pulled everyday. For them it is a wonderful stretch…their spines go from their nose to the tip of their tail….giving it a pull aligns their spine and stretches their whole body.
Horse’s will stretch into a tail pull, usually forward, so it’s a good idea to be aware of putting weight into your legs and feet or brace your feet against the stall door if possible.
With one hand, gently lift the tail, close to the dock and feel it’s weight, notice if the tail is tight against the back, this will give you an indication of how tight the spine is. Now, gently rotate the tail in small circles to the right, do about five. Now rotate in small circles to the left five times. Gently drape the tail onto the right haunch and let it rest there for a minute, repeat on the left side.
Now you are ready to do some tail pulls, as you gently grasp the tail, with feet braced, inhale and as you exhale, pull the tail.
Take a nice deep inhale and e-x-h-a-l-e and pull.
Always do a minimum of three pulls, your horse will thank you, thank you, thank you!
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